There are certain things that happen in life, that come along, that are wake up calls. One of those came yesterday, and it didn't happen to me directly, but happen to a friend, a co-worker of mine. I knew that things had gotten tight at work, that we needed to watch what we spend. But even knowing this, what happened yesterday took me totally by surprised. I wasn't even in the office when it happened, I was out doing an event for my "Business", I was what I like to call "working my business" when it happened. That is when they let my friend go at work. No warning, just thank you for your time, you may take the rest of the day off. She called my right after it happened. At that time, I didn't know how bad things were at work, I didn't know if I would have a job when I went back.
And then I started thinking, is this what I want? Do I want to continuing working a "JOB" where every day could be my last day? Where I make what someone else has determined that I am worth or what the office can afford? Do I want to work the hours that someone else has prescribed to me? Work the days someone else tells me to?
The answer was an overwhelming NO!!!! This is not what I want. For although, I still have that JOB today, who knows about Monday, next week, next month.
Back to "working my business" I know I said that I was out "working my business" but I had to stop and think, was I really? Do I actually go out with intention, when I attend different events for my business? Or do I go out and what ever happens, happens, I will just wait and see? I know the answer.
If I was fully committed to my business, working it with intention, single focus, with my eye on the prize then I would be much further along then I am now.
So today, I will refocus on what I want, where I am going and how I am going to get there. I will work with intention, knowing before each phone call, each meeting, each email, each time I step out of the house or get one the computer, what is it that I want to accomplish. What is the purpose for this activity? And then I will complete the task with that purpose in mind, knowing that the end result will be exactly what I purposed it to be.
I will pray each day, before the day begins, asking God for what He wants me to do that day, and then seeking His guidance on how to accomplish what it is that He has set before me. I will pray before, during and after each activity. And above all, I will praise God for everything that happens. I will learn from things that did not go the way that was intended. I will share with my team, and accountability partners all that happens, knowing that I need to surround myself with like minded people and help others to do the same.
I will support others, always be gracious with people, follow through with promises, always remember that people are more important than gaining a sell, or new recruit. I will work my business with integrity, knowing that who I am, is more important than what I do or what I sell.
Today I will begin this process, today I will do whatever it takes to be the person that God has called me to be, and to help others do the same. The time is now for I am not guaranteed tomorrow.
I make this commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends and to you and ask for you to hold me accountable for everything I have written and committed too.
God Bless