"Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many..."
I used to think that this verse referred to those crazy people that went around saying, "I'm Jesus Christ" and of course they would be easy to recognize and avoid. But when you read this verse, you realize that can't be what Jesus is referring to here, because if it was, how would they deceive many?
I have been hearing a lot about "The Christ Consciousness" lately. People who were once followers of Jesus, who are now saying that it is this christ consciousness that we must each reach. In achieving this christ consciousness we become our own christ. There is no need for a savior, if you can achieve it in your own mind.
I believe, and this is just my own opinion, is more inline with what Jesus was warning us about. For Jesus warning says that "many will come". This is not the random crazy person. I think as people turn from God and start looking for the answers within themselves they will start elevating themselves.
You can see Satan's hand in this, particularly when you find these same people backing up what the say with the Bible. They take phrases like "the kingdom of God is within you" and use it to bring credence to what they are saying.
The enemy is not stupid, he is not going to use some crazy person to do his bidding. He will use someone, who like himself knows the Bible and can quote the Bible to lead people away. The Bible warns that "even the elect".
I believe that we are seeing more and more philosophies that want us to turn inside, to ourselves for answers and away from the truth. This is even being taught in some churches.
So I challenge you to:
1. Examine first where you are on this, has there been any compromise on your part when it comes to seeking answers within yourself and not from God?
2. Test all things. Just because it sounds good, or is said by your own pastor or another prominent person does not make it true.
3. Pray!! That you will not be lead astray and that others will not be lead astray.
4. Put on the Full Armor of God everyday. We are in a spiritual battle and just like a soldier would never think about going into war without his armor, we also should never think about starting the day without first putting on our armor.
God has allowed me insight into the enemy's camp, so I come warning you. I am committed to praying to everyone who asks, so please let me know how I may pray.
God Bless.