Have you ever thought to yourself, “What’s the use?” Yeah, me too.
Maybe, your a mother and you have done the dishes, what seems like one to many time, or you are a wife and have made dinner only to have your husband come home late, and picked up something on the way home? Maybe it seems like you are the one always trying to get together with friends and yet you see them post on Instagram how they got together with someone else, and not invited you. Maybe you have given money to the homeless family on the corner and then see them drive off in their brandnew SUV.
You start wondering what’s the use. No one appreciates, what I do anyway, or they only take advantage of me.
Do you cry out to God, I’m tired, I’m tired of no one noticing what I do, I’m tired of being the only one volunteering, I’m tired of no one remembering me, or thinking of my needs. Lord, What’s the use anyways?
Galatians 6:9, tells us, “Do not grow weary (Lose heart, be faint-hearted) in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not give up.
Wow, what a promise from God. Don’t you just love the way, He meets us right where we are, shows that He knows and understands what we are going through, and then throws a promise right on top of it. Like a little bit of ice cream on top of your apple pie.
I don’t know when we will reap, but I know it will be at the right time. Maybe it comes when your kids grow up and have their own children, and suddenly they are calling and saying thank you. Maybe it comes from a stranger who says, “Good Job”.
God’s promises are true, they are certain and you can take them to the bank. So if you are struggling today, wondering if it’s all worth it, I am here to say to you, “Keep going”. God sees you, God loves you and you will reap in due time.