Have you heard the Parable of the Talents. It is one of the Parables that Jesus uses to teach us life lessons. It is also one the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance last week. Which is why I am sitting here writing this blog post and will be faithful in writing blog posts on a more consistent basis.
So the parable of the talents, which is found in the Books of Matthew and Luke, is about a master that is going away for a time. But before he goes away he calls his servants and gives one servant 5 talents, one 2 talents and one 1 talent. He gave each according to his ability. And when the master had returned, the one with 5 talents and turned his 5 talents into 10, and the one with 2 talents had turned them into 4 and the one with 1 talent was afraid of his master and buried his talent. So I can bet you can guess which servants the master was happy with and which one he was not happy with. And to the one that he gave the 1 talent, the master took that one talent and gave it to the one who originally had 5 talents.
So now we get to my discussion with God last week and why this parable was brought to my remembrance. You see Since the beginning of this year, I have been praying and asking God to give me topics for this blog. And he has given my a few things to write about. So last week when I ask God to give me a topic, for a blog post, he reminded me of this parable. What I heard God saying, Teri, I have given you three blogs to write and you have not sat down and written any of them. I will not give you anymore until you write and use what has already been given to you.
Wow, did you get that, as God was telling me He wasn’t giving me anymore blog ideas until I wrote what He has already given me, He actually in His love, mercy and grace gave me this blog post.
So what is it that God is calling you to do, what has He equipped you to do, what talents has he given you? Whatever it is, I encourage you to use what God has given you and do it now before God takes what He has given to you and give it to someone else.
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