Sunday, February 26, 2012

Being Human

     What does it mean to be human and who decide?  Are we human by virture of the fact that we are alive?  Or is it something else that makes us human?  Do we become human in our mothers' wombs or when someone recognizes us as human? Does the law determine who is human and who is not?  Does society?  Does God? Is it the same for everyone?
     These are questions that I have been pondering and through my pondering, God has placed it on my heart to write a book on what it means to be human. 
     My plan is to interview people and ask what does it mean to be human and who decides.  I would like to interview several people for my book from all walks of life and all ages.  I want to ask kids what does it mean to be human, I want to talk to mothers who have suffered from a miscarriage, parents of children who were born with some sort of disability.  Those who have had to make tough decisions about keeping a loved one alive or taking them off life support.
     I want to talk to anyone who was made to feel less then human by another.  Maybe by an abusive spouse, or by someone because of your race, your religion, your nationality.  Perhaps because of your circumstances you now feel less than human because you are homeless, over weight, loss part of your body in war.
     I would like to police, military, doctors that have had to forget about the humanity of a person in order to do their job.  Or the detective, police, or attorney who had to remember that the person that they are looking for, getting justice for is human and not just another case or statistic. 
     If you have a story, or a thought that you would like to share and would be willing to be interview, please contact me with your information.  Your story can be anonymous, if you would like or if you want I can use your name, your first name, an initial or fake name. 
     I can't guarantee any money for your story, for I am not even sure where this will lead, but if there is money made I will compensate all contributors.  Any experience that you have about being human, feeling less than human, or what it means to be human I will listen to.


  1. What a great message this could turn out to be for others to share! GREAT post and I wish you success on having people share their stories to help others.
    Live Beyond Awesome.

    1. Hi Teri,
      Looks like an big undertaking, but what a great opportunity to bless others as you give them the opportunity to reflect upon this question.

      Could not help but think of Art Linkletter here, and his interviewing children. O, from the mouth of babes we can learn so much, heh?


    2. Funny you should say that Micheal, I was on the Art Linkletter show when I was in Kindergarten.

  2. Teri,
    What an awesome project! I would love to support you and please be sure to share this at our next WOFBN meeting! I'm INSPIRED to give thought to this question of defining what it means to be human...

    Blessings and Success,
    Kristen Newsome
