Monday, October 10, 2011

Turn, Turn, Turn

Whether you know it as song from the 60's or know the words from the Bible, it is said that to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.
Unfortunately, I think most people, if you are like me, may be waiting for that "perfect" time, and seasons are passing us by. Whether it is when I "get my license", "turn 18", "move out", "have kids", "kids grow up", "we get our bills paid off", "we retire", etc., etc., etc. Whatever it is, we are always waiting for something else to happen before it is time to act. Even something as simple as, "I'll start my diet Monday", "I'll start after the holidays" it is never going to be the right time. Let me say that again, IT IS NEVER GOING TO BE THE RIGHT TIME if you are waiting for things in your life to be perfect, but NOW is always the right time. So right now, think of three things that you would like to accomplish in the next three months, anything at all. And now write three things that you can do in this next week to start yourself on the path to accomplishing those goals, and finally, think of at least one thing that you can do tonight and do it. Once you start, and get yourself in momentum, it is much easier to keep going. So whatever it is, start today, for today is the season of your life to make a change, to help you move toward accomplishing your purpose.

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