Thursday, August 1, 2013


Trust in The Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding.  Prov. 3:5

Trust in The Lord with all my heart, hmmm do I do this.  Yes on some level, I do trust The Lord but do I fully trust God?  With all my heart?  The word "Trust" indicates a confidence, boldness but I have found myself doubting.  How many times instead of proclaiming something out loud, I hold back, hesitate.  What if it doesn't happen?  What if I say it out loud and then look like a fool?  I mean it has happened, we have all heard the stories of someone declaring that something will happen because they believe that "God" has told them it would happen, then nothing.  Wow, not only do they look foolish, but so do Christians all over.

I think the problem comes with the second part of the verse, "and lean not on your own understanding".   Sometimes, when I pray for things, I find that I also want to provide God with the answer.  You know the kind of prayer, God we pray for healing for so and so, we trust you for that healing and we declare it to be true.

Is that the way God wants us to pray?  I don't think so.  If we trust God, really trust God, then we have to trust him with the outcome, even when that out come looks nothing like what we prayed for.  Even when our Lord, prayed the Lord's Prayer, he said Thy Will Be Done.  That is what we need to trust, God's Will!   Do we trust his will?  Do we trust that God always will do what is best for us?  Even when a loved one is not healed?  Even when the job doesn't come?  Even when the relationship is not restored?  Do we trust Him?  

Jesus had to trust God before his crucifixion, he had to trust God and say "not my will, but thine be done". 

Jesus taught about giving good gifts, good gifts are not always what we want, but what we need.  Did your parents ever give you a gift for your birthday, that was not what you wanted, but was maybe what you needed?   Or did your parents ever not give you wanted because they knew that it was not what was best for you?  Do you remember not understanding why?  Why can't I have a pony?  Why can't I have this or that, and we had to learn to "trust" them?

Every time we trust God when we feel that he did not answer our prayer exactly how we wanted, our faith grows.  And trusting gets a little bit easier.

So next time you pray for something Trust God, trust him boldly, trust Him with confidence.  Not that he will do exactly what we ask, but that our loving Father will do exactly what we need.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I sat down with an old friend today

Have you ever ran into an old friend and are amazed at how much you enjoyed sitting down talking to each other.  It's like you can talk for hours and it seems like no time has passed.  Even though you have kept up with each via Facebook, emails, texting, there is nothing like just sitting down together and catching up.
That is what I experienced this morning, and learned a very important lesson, that with all the ways we try to make communication easier and faster (and yes I believe there is a time and place for such communication) there is absolutely nothing better than sitting down together.
Well this morning, I got my Bible out and sat down with my Bible.  Now don't get me wrong, I spend a lot of time online, reading different Bible Studies, Reading through the Bible online etc.  but I have neglected picking up my physical Bible and reading.  I realized this morning that with all that modern technology has to offer, there is something very special about picking up your Bible.
The first thing I noticed is that I had to reacquaint myself with my Bible, it actually took me longer than expected to find certain passages.  I mean on the computer, I just type in the reference and there it is, no looking, no memorizing where books are just relying on the computer to do it all.
Then I became reacquainted with my notes, I have always been a person that writes in the margins of my Bible, and it was great to read over notes that were there.  Remembering lessons that I had learned, promises that I had claimed, just notes that make my Bible unique to me.
Finally, picking up the Bible, allowed me to be directed by God to certain passages as I combed leisurely through my Bible.  It wasn't me determining what to read, but just letting the conversation go in any direction it wanted to go.
What a great way to start the day, by sitting down with an old friend and spending some long overdue time getting reacquainted.
So if you are like me, and maybe its been sometime since you have picked up your Bible, try it.  Turn off the computer, the Biblical Apps, and just spend time with your friend.

Monday, June 24, 2013

A time to Pray, a time to take action

Ezra 10:1 While Ezra prayed and made this confession, weeping and lying face down on the ground in front of the Temple of God, a very large crowd of people from Israel—men, women, and children—gathered and wept bitterly with him. Then Shecaniah son of Jehiel, a descendant of Elam, said to Ezra, “We have been unfaithful to our God, for we have married these pagan women of the land. But in spite of this there is hope for Israel. Let us now make a covenant with our God to divorce our pagan wives and to send them away with their children. We will follow the advice given by you and by the others who respect the commands of our God. Let it be done according to the Law of God. Get up, for it is your duty to tell us how to proceed in setting things straight. We are behind you, so be strong and take action.”

There are so many things about this passage that I love.  I don't know about you, but I know there have been times when I have blown it, really messed things up, times that have brought me to my knees weeping and confessing to God.  Wondering, will God really forgive me this time?  Is this too big, have I messed up too many times?  Times when I knew better and still sinned.  Have you ever had times like that?  Times of unfaithfulness to God.  

But as I read this passage, I read at the end of verse two, "but in spite of this there is hope."  What a comfort, to know that there is indeed hope, no matter how badly we have blown it, there is still hope for us, that hope comes in the form of Jesus Christ.  Jesus died to give us that hope.  Jesus promise to us is, if we confess our sins He is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  

But it doesn't just stop at "hope" the people of Israel move immediately into action.  They repented of their sins.  Repenting is to make a 180 degree turn away from sin, and that is what you see them willing to do.  They also seek Godly advise from Ezra, and others who respect the commands of God.  I have to confess there are times, when I will confess my sins to God in private, but seek Godly advise?  You mean let someone else know what I have done?  Wow, that is a much harder thing for me.  I know I'm not perfect, and I know others know that too, but to let them know just how far away from perfection I am?  But sometimes we need to seek advise, but not just from anyone, no we seek advise from someone who respects the commands of God.  This can be crucial.  

I know they say that "misery loves company", and speaking as a woman, I have had to be careful whom I seek advise from.  Believe me, when things are not going right, it is easy as women to commiserate with one another and see only one side of things.  It reminds me of the seen in the movie Fireproof where the lead character is complaining to her girlfriends about her husband, and of course her girlfriends are all taking her side and seeing only what her husband was doing wrong.  So again, it is crucial, when seeking advise that you seek it from someone who respects the commands of God.

And finally the time for prayer comes to an end.  And now comes the time to be strong and take action.  Do you know that person, or are you maybe that person that can pray about the same thing forever, even after God has told you what to do?  I know people like that, even when things are clear and God's direction is clear they will tell you, well I'm praying about it.  Praying is good and we should pray without ceasing, but don't let prayer become an excuse not to act.  

For there is a time to pray and a time to take action.  What do you need to take action on right now?

Please leave me your comments and prayer requests.  
God Bless.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Can God Really Change People?

Acts 9:26-28

"When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus. So Saul stayed with them and moved about freely in Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord."

As I read these verses I am reminded of a dear friend of mine, who although I do not know his past, I know he has one, one that he has had to overcome through the blood of Jesus Christ.  I remember one day speaking to my friend and he told me how when he had turned his life around, and believed on The Lord Jesus Christ he tried to go back to the church and they basically told him they didn't want him there.  Wow,  church not wanting a repented sinner to come to their church.  I wonder what they would have done if Saul, now Paul had tried to come to their church?  Would they have turned their backs and said we don't want you here? 

How can we say that Jesus has the power to change lives and then when He does it we doubt the changes?  Has The power of God changed someone so drastically and still you are unwilling to believe it?  How do we treat new believers when we know their past?  Do we try and stay away, shun them, look at them with skepticism?  

Maybe we need to check ourselves, first of all do we really believe that God has the power to change people?  Or is it just some people, like ourselves, that God to change?  Is there anyone to far gone that Jesus on the cross can not save?  A murderer (like Saul), an adulterer (like David), a sinner (like you and me)?  

So let's say you do believe that God can change anyone do you do something about it like Barnabus?  Are you willing to not only friend such a person, are you willing to introduce him to your friends, invite him to hang out with you at Church?  To help tell their story, when it may be difficult for them to do alone?  The Bible tells us "They will know we are Christians by our love", are we willing to love everyone God brings into our lives?  
Please feel free to comment below.  God Bless.  I am praying for you.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Think on these things

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Does anyone else find this incredibly difficult.  I mean I know what I am supposed to think, meditate, on but it seems like everything in our world is trying to keep us thinking about other things.  
I mean let's look at it, "true",  how do you focus on truth when it seems that you cannot count on anyone to give you the truth.  You look at anything on the Internet, newspapers, news stations it seems like everything is slanted one way or another to get you to buy into their truth.  There doesn't seem to be any absolute truth anymore.  Even within the church, what is true for one church is not necessarily true for another.  
Whatever things are noble, honorable from the root word meaning to revere, religious.  Is there any honor anymore?  It doesn't seem that people value nobility or honor anymore, for true nobility is having an excellent moral character and morality seems to be a thing of the past.  
Whatever things are just.  Justice is something we cry out for when it comes to others, but not so much for ourselves.  Just, is more and more subjective, we say things like "he was just in doing that". "I am justified in my actions".  Without moral absolute every action can be justified by the individual who chooses it.
Whatever things are pure.  Purity, really?  It seems to be a gag for the tabloids.  Even if you try to be pure or think on things that are pure you just have to wake up in the morning and the world is bombarding you with everything but purity.  From TV, Movies, commercials, radio, internet, all around us.  Even opening your email can be a land mine of negotiating through spam emails trying to seduce you into every  impure act known to man.  Drive by your local junior or senior high school and you will what our kids, especially our sons are up against.  Girls fully developed wearing short shorts or skirts, low cut tops, leaving nothing to the imagination.  I am amazed that parents allow their daughters to dress like this.  Even if boys wanted to think on what is pure, it is nearly impossible.
Whatever things are lovely.  These are the things that one has an affection towards.  So the things that you like.  The things that you think about, are the things that you are friendly towards, the things you like, so ask yourself, what is it that dominates my thinking?  What is on my mind when I wake up?  When I fall asleep?
Whatever things are of good report.  What things have a good reputation, well spoken of.  Are you looking for the good to focus on, or are you focused on the bad.  When you mind is continually focused on the bad, whether it is personally in your own life, or in society or in the world, it will have an affect on you and what you do.  God knows there is a lot of horrible things going on in the world, and I don't believe that he is saying that we are not to be aware of that what is happening, but the question is what are you focused on?  Try focusing on things that are of good report and see if that doesn't change your attitude and your behavior.
If there is any virtue?   Virtue comes from the same root word as manliness.  A man of valor, excellence.  Is there any virtue?  Do we see men or women that are worthy of praise?  Men and women of valor, courage, bravery?  I think we do, those are the stories we need to hear more about.  Yes there are plenty of people that make the news for messing up, but what about having more news about those that step up to the plate, put their lives on the line, the true unsung heroes of our time?
The next goes along with the above, if there is anything praiseworthy, mediate on these things. 
How would our lives change if we started putting this verse into practice each and every day.  If we got rid of the idea that "sex sells"  and replaced it with "valor sells"  "nobility sells".  Turned off the violent TV shows, games, stayed away from movies that didn't uplift.  Remember this only pertains to Christians, although I believe everyone would benefit from doing this. 
But my challenge is to Christians, examine this week what you are watching, listening too, reading and run everything the filter of Philippians 4:8, and see what may need some changing.  I believe for too long we have slowly allowed the enemy to take control of our minds.  I know when I am conscientiously aware I am amazed by the oh so subtle and subtle ways the enemy uses to take me away from who God made me to be.  If you take this challenge, please let me know, what if any changes God challenges you to make in your life.  I would love to pray for you and with you.  God Bless

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sanctify Yourselves

How do you fall asleep at night?  What is your routine?  Do you read a book, watch TV, pray talk to your spouse, shower?  We all have them, the routines that we do without thinking each and every night before we close our eyes and go to sleep.  Routines are sometimes started very early in life, think about the routines to put your child to bed, is it a bedtime story, saying their prayers, kisses all around, that last glass of water, whatever it is routines are part of our lives. 
What if we started a new bedtime routine?  What if this new routine was able to totally transform your life?  In the book of Joshua the children of Isreal are told the following:

Joshua 3:5 Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow The Lord will do wonders among you.  

Wow, sanctify yourselves, now that is a radical idea for a bedtime routine.  Now sanctify yourself means to make yourself clean, dedicate yourself, prepare yourself.

Think about it, what if instead of catching up on the latest news or sports scores before bed you cleansed your mind of worldly things to focus on Godly matters?  What if you spent the last few moments before falling to sleep meditating on the Word of God?  Spent time in prayer thanking God for the day you just had but also anticipating all that God was going to do tomorrow?  Remember the verse says Sanctify yourself for tomorrow The Lord will do wonders among you.  

Do you ever stop and think, "I wonder what The Lord has in store for tomorrow?  Look at all the miraculous things He did for me today, tonight I wait in anticipation with what tomorrow will bring."

How would our lives be changed, what could tomorrow bring, if each night before we went to bed, we sanctified ourselves in anticipation of what God would do tomorrow? 

Why not give it a try, join me for the next 21 days in going to bed every night by sanctifying ourselves in anticipation of what wonders God is going to do.  

Please let me know if you are in, and share what God does in the next 21 days in your life.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Two Lessons from the Book of Samuel

I have been reading about Samuel in the Bible. In case you don't know the story of Samuel, let me give you a little background into his life. You will find the story of Samuel in the book of First Samuel. Starting in chapter one we learn that Samuel's father is Elkanah. Elkanah has two wives, one is Peninnah and Hannah. Now Peninnah had children, but Hannah did not have any children. Hannah cried out to The Lord, and The Lord blessed her with a son, Samuel. Amazingly, on Hannah's part, she promised God that if He would bless her with a child, she would give the child back to God. So that is exactly what Hannah did, after Samuel was weaned, Hannah took Samuel to the temple and gave him to God. So that is where we find Samuel, growing up in the Temple, serving God.

So now two lessons I learned from Samuel:

The first is we ought to listen to God's voice rather than man's. When we have a question, problem, decision shouldn't the first thing we do be pray? Before reading a book, asking someone else, pray, not that God won't use some of these things, but we need to personally be praying and learning to listen to the voice of God. Much like Samuel had to learn, when his first inclination was to go to Eli, he had to learn to just be still and listen to the voice of God.
You see one night when Samuel was sleeping he heard someone call out his name and Samuel ran to Eli, the Priest to see what he wanted. The problem was,Eli did not call Samuel and told Samuel to go back to sleep. Again the same thing happened and again Eli tells Samuel to go back and lie down. The third time that it happened, Eli realized that it must be The Lord calling Samuel (why it took Eli, a Priest, so long to figure out is a story for another time), but now Eli tells Samuel to go back and lie down and when he is called again say, "Speak Lord for your servant hears". So when Samuel heard the voice of The Lord he had to learn to listen. We too need to learn to listen to God. God is still speaking, are we listening?

Second lesson:
Growing up in a church is not a guarantee that one knows or will obey The Lord. As we know Samuel grew up in the temple, now I'm don't just mean that he went to church every week, but he actually grew up there and served in the Temple. Eli also had two sons that also grew up serving in the temple, but growing up in the Temple did not guarantee what kind of men they would grow up to be, each had to decide for himself if he would follow God.
Now when Samuel first heard the call of God, we are told "now Samuel did not know The Lord, nor had the word of The Lord yet been revealed to him". Interesting for someone raised in the church, but being raised in the church is not a guarantee of a relationship with God, that came by being obedient to te call of The Lord. Samuel was obedient to God's calling and we are told that Samuel grew, and The Lord was with him.
However we are told that Eli's sons were evil. So evil that it was told to Eli that his sons would both die in the same day and that God would find another priest who would faithfully serve God in the Temple.
So you see, although raising your children up in the church is a good thing, there will come a time when they will have to choose for themselves to be obedient to the voice of God.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

First day down, now on to day two

Well I would love to say that yesterday was perfect and great and everything went as planned, that's what I would like to say, but if I am going to do this, I am going to have to be honest both with myself and with you, so no yesterday was not perfect. There were some really good parts and small victories that I will embrace and then other parts that I need to learn from and move past in order to reach my goals.
First, the morning was great, got up did my run, well actually it is a run/walk at this point. I am running 3 minutes, walking for 2. So that went well, loved every minute of it, then came back had my protein shake and made my juice to take with me.
So far, so good. Then we took the car in to have it looked at because it is leaking and smelling. So what to do while the car is in the shop, my husband and I walked to McDonalds, not to eat but because they have Wifi. The walk was nice about a mile walk, so more exercise was great. Got to McDonalds and was working on my IPad, drinking my water and juice, not too bad. Oh just as a side note, when you start increasing your water intake, make sure there is always a bathroom near by. Got a little hungry and ordered one of their parfaits, fairly healthy. Then the car still was not done and I'm hungry, so I broke down and ordered a small French fry. I know, I know not good.
But we did walk back to the repair place so maybe I walked it off.
Now we have a couple of errands to run, oh by the way the car never got looked at they got backed up at the repair place so we have to take it back another day.
Anyway, we decided to go to get something to eat and ended up at a Cajun place where I had a catfish sandwich with more fries. What can I say, I was hungry.
So if I am going to be gone all day I need to plan better with snacks. But hey, it was the first day. Today is a new day, I love that each day we can leave the past behind and start anew. I will let you know how today goes tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I will never forget the Fall of 1977

It was October 1977, I was a Senior in High School, I was on the Drill Team, had lots of friends, life was good.  I remember the night my niece was born, it was our homecoming game and I was excited for the game and for the Drill Team Half Time Show.  We got the call that my sister in law was in labor, so I was going to stop by the Hospital quickly on my way to the game.  I got there just after she had my niece and they were taking them to the recovery room.  I got a quick glance of my niece and off they went and off I went to the game.  To me everything seemed great, what I didn't know was that not everything was ok, you see my niece's skin color had a bluish tint.  Something was wrong.
The next night instead of going to my Homecoming Dance, my date and I babysat my nephew while everyone went to the hospital for my niece's first open heart surgery.
The doctors did what they could to try and repair my niece's heart, but there is only so much they could do.  She had to stay in the hospital.  She was in the hospital through Halloween, through Thanksgiving and then sometime in the beginning of December the doctors took my niece into the operating room again.  This time however, they discovered that there was nothing they could do, the doctors couldn't fix her and they sewed her back up.
The doctors came to my brother and sister in law and told them, my niece would be dead by Christmas.  They left my brother and sister in law with no hope of ever taking their daughter home.  After much consideration, my brother and sister in law decided to go ahead and have the doctors inject my niece with a drug that would stop her heartbeat and let het die.  How could they do this, we'll they had never brought my niece home, she was not a viable human being, and since they were told that she would be dead by Christmas, why wait, what an inconvenience to have to have a funeral so close to Christmas?
Does this shock your conscience, are you appalled by their actions?  Do you think that this was murder?  Are you shouting at the computer right now, "what if the doctor is wrong?"
Well I hope that this does shock you, but you see these are some of the excuses that are given by mothers wanting to abort their babies.  Even by people who believe abortion is wrong, will make the exception if the doctor has said that the baby won't make, or won't have any kind of quality of life.  Then there is the inconvenience of having a baby right now would be.  "I want to finish school", "We can't afford a baby right now", "I'm getting my career started", etc. etc.  But no matter what the reason a baby even one in the womb will be dead.
I write this, because I want you to think next time you are defending your stance on abortion.
Back to my niece, yes the doctors did tell us that she would not live til Christmas, but no the idea of killing her was never discussed and I am happy to say she is now 35 years old.  So even if the doctors tell you that a baby will not make, they can be wrong.  There are many stories, where a mother was told to abort a baby, only to have the baby to be born healthy.  
God Bless

Sunday, January 27, 2013

By the way it's not going to work

What would you say if you went to the doctor because you were sick, he told you what to do to take of yourself and then said oh and by the way it's not going to work?  Or let's say you just came home with a new piece of furniture, you get the instructions out, start following the instructions and then get to the end and read "by the way it's not going to work"?  Would you be mad, think somebody must have lost their minds, throw your hands up and ask why bother if it's not going to work.
Well that is essentially what we find as we read the story of Moses in the Bible.  First Moses has started over with his new life in the dessert, has a wife, place to life, things are going ok for Moses.  Then he encounters a burning bush, no big deal except the fire is not consuming the bush and the  Moses hears the voice of God, coming out of the bush.  So that in and of itself, may have freaked me out a bit, but then God tells Moses to go back to Egypt to speak to Pharaoh and to tell Pharaoh to let God's people go.  Well Moses first tries to argue with God, telling God that he doesn't speak we'll, wouldn't know what to say etc.  after God tells Moses that his brother can go with him, Moses agrees.  God then tells him, go to Pharaoh perform a couple of miracles, so he knows you are sent by God and tell Pharaoh to let God's people go.  Then God tells Moses do all these things that I tell you to do and "oh by the way, it's not going to work".  Not only is Pharaoh not to let my people go, God says I'm going to harden his heart.
Wow, really God, you want me to go to the most powerful man in the known world, knowing full well that I have problems speaking as it is and then you are going to make sure that Pharaoh doesn't listen to me?
What would you have done?  Would it have been easier or harder if God had not told Moses the outcome a head of time?
Think about your own life, did you get married thinking it was going to be happy ever after, you did everything you knew to do, followed Proverbs 31 to a tee, only to have your husband leave you for another woman?  Did you pray and pray to have a child, went to the doctors, did everything you were told to do only still couldn't get pregnant?  Maybe you worked hard on your job, did you job as unto The Lord only to be fired after 25 years?
So what went wrong, why didn't things work out the way would expect them to?  Did we miss something?  Did we do something wrong?  I think that is the reason we have the story of Moses in the Bible, yes we can do everything that God tells us to do, and things still don't go according to plan, but this does not catch God off guard.  He knows the beginning from the end and he has a perfect plan.
Let's go back to Moses for you see eventually after a few plagues and the death of the first born sons of the Egyptians, Pharaoh does finally let the people go, so why did it have to be so hard?  I think part of the reasons it needed to be hard was to help build the faith of God's people.  You see as you read through the Bible, you will find reference after reference of the people of God being reminded to remember how God brought them out of Egypt.  If Pharaoh would have let the people go after the first time he was asked, there wouldn't be a whole lot to remember, also there may have been the tendency to say that Moses was the one who got Pharaoh to let them go.  But this way, there would be no doubt that is was God that did a miracle and the people were let go.  Now that's something to remember, something that faith can be built on.
So what about us, yes we may think that there is an easier way to do something, and why doesn't God just answer right a way, but maybe, just maybe God is doing something greater in your life, something you will be able to share with your kids and grandkids about how God did a miracle in your life.
I pray that this will cause you to praise God in the midst, while waiting for his full blessings to be poured out on you.

Friday, January 25, 2013

May I Say Something?

There I was, like I do every morning reading through my daily devotions.  There are several daily devotions, Bible studies, and Bible reading plans that I receive via e-mail everyday, so I start my day at 4:30 and spend two hours a day with God.  Or so I thought, I mean I'm sure He's been there every day, nd yes I've been reading His word and the devotionals, the problem was is that I have been reading them like I would read any of my e-mails, just getting through and moving onto the next without slowing down. Long enough to really listen to God.
This morning He reminded me about how frustrating talking to my husband can be. It seems that when My husband and talk about things he is more interested in saying everything that is on his mind, without really given me the chance to participate in the conversation and when I try, he will often interrupt me and when there is a moment to finally be heard in his mind he has already moved on to something new.   So I am left frustrated, not really feeling like I was a part of the conversation.
Well this morning, as I was quickly moving from one e-mail to the next, I heard God asking me, if I really wanted to hear from Him, or was I just trying to get through my daily check off of e-mails, so that I could say I was done and move on with my day, "having spent time with God".
So, I am asking God to slow me down, and if I don't get through every e-mail, so be it, it is not always about quantity, as about quality.
What about you?  Are you stopping long enough for God to participate?  Invite Him to actively be a part of your devotional time, and then slow down enough to listen and hear what He has to say.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Needed rest or excuse?

Now he arose from the Synagogue and entered Simon's house.  But Simoj's wife's mother was sick with a high fever, and they made a request of Him concerning her.  So He stood over her and rebuked the fever and it left her. And immediately she arose and served them.
In Luke 4:38-39 we have the story of Jesus going to the house of Simon (Peter), where finds Peter's mother in law sick with a high fever.  Jesus heals her and immediately she gets up and serves them.  I have read this account  before not only in the book of Luke, but also in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, but as was reading this week I was struck how Peter's mother in law responded after being healed.  I then thought back on how I act after being sick.  Many times I find myself taking time off not only when I'm sick but then needing a few days afterwards to recooperate, but we don't see that here.  We are told immediately she got up and served them.  I don't know about you, but I might have been inclined to say something like, "you know, I'm just getting over being sick, maybe I'll just rest and take it easy."
What about you, have you ever taken more time than was needed by telling yourself you needed to "rest"?  I'm not saying that there are not times when we need to rest, but do we take advantage of the idea of resting, when we really should be up doing something?
Think about that this week, are you taking the appropriate time to rest and recooperate or are you using the excuse of needing to rest, when you really should be moving.