Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I will never forget the Fall of 1977

It was October 1977, I was a Senior in High School, I was on the Drill Team, had lots of friends, life was good.  I remember the night my niece was born, it was our homecoming game and I was excited for the game and for the Drill Team Half Time Show.  We got the call that my sister in law was in labor, so I was going to stop by the Hospital quickly on my way to the game.  I got there just after she had my niece and they were taking them to the recovery room.  I got a quick glance of my niece and off they went and off I went to the game.  To me everything seemed great, what I didn't know was that not everything was ok, you see my niece's skin color had a bluish tint.  Something was wrong.
The next night instead of going to my Homecoming Dance, my date and I babysat my nephew while everyone went to the hospital for my niece's first open heart surgery.
The doctors did what they could to try and repair my niece's heart, but there is only so much they could do.  She had to stay in the hospital.  She was in the hospital through Halloween, through Thanksgiving and then sometime in the beginning of December the doctors took my niece into the operating room again.  This time however, they discovered that there was nothing they could do, the doctors couldn't fix her and they sewed her back up.
The doctors came to my brother and sister in law and told them, my niece would be dead by Christmas.  They left my brother and sister in law with no hope of ever taking their daughter home.  After much consideration, my brother and sister in law decided to go ahead and have the doctors inject my niece with a drug that would stop her heartbeat and let het die.  How could they do this, we'll they had never brought my niece home, she was not a viable human being, and since they were told that she would be dead by Christmas, why wait, what an inconvenience to have to have a funeral so close to Christmas?
Does this shock your conscience, are you appalled by their actions?  Do you think that this was murder?  Are you shouting at the computer right now, "what if the doctor is wrong?"
Well I hope that this does shock you, but you see these are some of the excuses that are given by mothers wanting to abort their babies.  Even by people who believe abortion is wrong, will make the exception if the doctor has said that the baby won't make, or won't have any kind of quality of life.  Then there is the inconvenience of having a baby right now would be.  "I want to finish school", "We can't afford a baby right now", "I'm getting my career started", etc. etc.  But no matter what the reason a baby even one in the womb will be dead.
I write this, because I want you to think next time you are defending your stance on abortion.
Back to my niece, yes the doctors did tell us that she would not live til Christmas, but no the idea of killing her was never discussed and I am happy to say she is now 35 years old.  So even if the doctors tell you that a baby will not make, they can be wrong.  There are many stories, where a mother was told to abort a baby, only to have the baby to be born healthy.  
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Ouch, this article is hard to read. Not because of the topic, but the grammatical errors. Putting away my Grammar Nazi hat....

    Anyways, that decision was for the parents to make, and the parents alone (with medical professional's input, of course). Ultimately, it was theirs to make.

    If we are going to put the patient in charge of their medical decisions, then they must have all options available to them.

    That includes abortion too. The same people who in one breath decry Obamacare, also say "abortion is murder". So which is it? Is the government to get out of people's lives? Then it needs to stay out of people's uterus's too.

    Can't have it both ways.
