Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Perfection, is it worth it?

Yesterday was ok, but was it perfect, NO. Did well for breakfast (usually my easiest meal) then my morning snack was right on. And then came lunch, and instead of eating what I had brought to work, I wanted to go out with my husband, so there I was as Jack in the Box having a burger and fries. So what should I do if I make a bad choice, and is it really a bad choice or is it a choice that doesn't move toward my goal. What if I change my thought process, and instead of beating myself up when I eat something that doesn't move me toward my goal and just make a better choice with my next meal. That is what I chose yesterday, instead of telling myself that I blew it and just give up and eat like crazy the rest of the day, I ended the day on a positive note and made better choices for the rest of the day. So at the end of the day, I could truly feel good about my day. It's ok not to be perfect, that's life, none of us are perfect. But it's what we do with our imperfections that determines the kind of person that we are and the kind of person that we are becoming. I am becoming a person that can take control of my actions and make good choices, and will strive to be a better person each day.

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