Saturday, April 5, 2014

Updates and Lessons Learned

Here I am about four weeks into my 90 day transformation, so I thought I would give an update and tell you what I have been learning.
When I started this 90 day period, I had no idea where this would lead and what would happen, even though I have a long way to go to the end.  I am seeing God's hand in my life more than ever.
Physically, I feel great, I have energy and feel healthy.  My weight, is continuing to go down.

Mentally, I am totally enjoying spending more time reading.  Since I added the 21 Day Daniel Fast into my program, I am not watching TV of any kind, so I have a lot more time to read.  I am listening only to Christian Radio or Pod Casts that are uplifting and inspirational.  It is so important for me to put positive things into my mind to counteract the negative that comes from outside sources.  This is really helping me to stay focus.

Spiritually, God is God.  I am not only spending more time with God everyday, but I am opening my
eyes to those around me.  God has blessed me with meeting people that I have been able to pray with.

  How wonderful it has been to see how God has been able to use me.  No longer do I just say, "Oh, I'll pray for you",  without stopping and praying with that person right then and there.

In my business, I am busy working on my website, please check it out at  There is still a lot to do, but I love working on it.  I also created my own logo.

So I am very happy with the direction things are going.  So now the lessons:
The first lesson has come from my study of the Book of Daniel, good book to study during a Daniel Fast, in the first chapter we read after Daniel and his friends were brought to live in the King's Palace as servants: But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
Did you see that, Daniel purposed in his heart.  Sometimes we try, we come up with excuses, we do
everything but purpose in our hearts.  Make a decision.  Or in the words of Yoda, "Try not, do or don't do, there is no try"  If we want to change something in our lives, anything, it first starts with making a decision, purposing in our hearts, and then doing.  Give up trying.

 The next lesson comes from the book of Numbers.  In the book of Numbers God tells Moses to send
12 Men to spy out the land.  So twelve men went and spied out the land and when they got back they each gave their report about what they saw.  Now they all agreed that the land was great flowing with
milk and honey a great place to live.  But ten of the spies reported that there were giants in the way.  That the obstacles were too much to get pass.  Now two of the spies did not see the obstacles just the
opportunity.  They saw the possible.  They kept their eyes on the prize.  This was given to them by God, all they had to do was to go take it.  See it was a matter of perspective.  The same is true in our lives.  We all know people, like the ten, that just see the obstacles.  All the reasons why something can not be done.  What about you?   Are there things you want in your life, things that God has placed on you heart, but all you see are the giants?  Or like the two are you focused on the prize?  Now in our story in the Bible the people listened to the ten, and did not go in to take possession of the land and instead wondered the desert.  Are you wandering in the desert, when God is telling you to take possession of his promises, to what he has already promised?

And the last lesson come in the Book of Genesis.  And that is God blesses us through the difficult times.  I used to think, God if you would change my circumstances then others will see and they will come to know you.   But then I was reading the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis.  Now Joseph had 11 brothers that sold him into slavery.    But the amazing during his time as a slave, during false imprisonment, the Bible tells us that God was with him and that he was successful. What successful while a servant? A Prisoner?   Wow.  Are you like me, waiting until things are right to act like you are successful?  Do you stress, wondering when things will get better?   Now I'm not saying to ever stop praying or setting your sites higher, I'm just saying know that you are blessed right where you are.  God is working in your life now.  And He is able to do more than we could ever imagine.  By the end of the story, we find Joseph as second in command of Egypt.  Do you think that was one of his goals?  I think his biggest goals were staying alive and someday going home.  But he stayed true to God, always giving praise and thanksgiving.  His faith remained strong and God blessed him both in his struggles and out of them.

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