April is national poetry month. I didn't even know there was a national poetry month. But how appripro that I should begin my 21 day Daniel Fast today. Even though I didn't know, God knew, and he knew that when I woke up this morning to begin this 21 days of spiritual growth, that I would read the email that let me know that this is National Poetry Month and how special this journey is going to be.
You may wonder, why is she going on about National Poetry Month? Who really cares? What does this have to do with her Daniel Fast? Reading that this is National Poetry Month was like a sign that God is here with me, right now in this moment, in this time, in the next 21 days.
For you see, if you were to ask me, "what is your favorite verse?" I would say without a doubt:
Eph. 2:10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
If you did a word study on the word "workmanship" you would find that the word is Poiema. Poiema is where we get the English word poem. So we are God's "poem". Beautifully written by the creator Himself.
But the wonderful thing is, that until we take our last breath here on Earth, our poem is still being written. I am excited to see what will be written in my life over the next 21 days, as I just submit myself to God's hand.
You too are God's workmanship, a poem not yet finished. Do not strive with the author, instead allow God to make a beautiful thing out of your life.
HAPPY NATIONAL POETRY MONTH!!! You are the most precious and beautiful poem in the world.
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