Friday, November 16, 2012

Eliminating Allergenic and Addictive Foods

If you ask some people, they would tell you that they do not have any food allergies, because they only looked at allergies one way.  This was me, when I thought of food allergies, I thought of people that I knew that were allergic to strawberries or peanuts and if they ate those foods they would immediately have an allergic reaction and swell up, have a hard time breathing, maybe even need to go to the hospital.  So since I have never had a reaction like that to food, then I must not have any food allergies.
If this is you, this may or may not be true.  There are many reactions to food that indicates a food allergy, that we may have been ignoring.  Things like bloating, stuffy nose, constant colds, weight gain and other symptoms.  The problem is that we have been just living with these symptoms for so long, that we have just ignored them.  Remember food is to nourish your body, it is the fuel you need to be active, if you feel worse after a meal or tired and need a nap, then the food you eat is not doing what it supposed to do.   And to make matters worse, we often crave the foods that are killing us.
Some common foods that people are allergic to are gluten, dairy, soy and refined sugar.  Gluten is found in grains, it is the thick gooey stuff that makes things stick together.  Sensitivities to gluten can include bloating and feeling sick after a meal.
The best way to see if you have any of these common food allergies is to eliminate them from you diet for at least 30 days.  Once you do that, and are eating a clean diet, then you can reintroduce these foods one at a time over several days or weeks.  You may find that when  you eat any of these foods you feel sick right away or maybe can't sleep, or maybe feel sick the next day, or that you have gained weight over night.
Try this and you will have a better understanding of your body and what it needs and doesn't need to survive.

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