Monday, March 31, 2014

Running the Race

Hebrews 12:1  Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

This has been a rough week for me.  I have to say that I was going through some depression.  
You see, we currently live with a friend and all of our stuff is being store at someone else home.  So we have been living without our own stuff.  Then last week our friends said that they want to use their storage and we have to get everything out.  At first I couldn't even think about what to do with our things.  I didn't really want to deal with it.  But you can't stick your head in the sand forever, so I had to start thinking about what to do.

My first thoughts were, but this is my stuff.  These are my things, I want don't want to get rid of them, as my husband was saying we should sell everything.  But as I cried out to God, I heard Him speak to my heart.  This is just stuff, this is not who you are.  You are defined by your relationship to Me, and you are my darling daughter.  Do you not know that like Job, that I am more that able to restore all to you?  I gave my son, my most precious thing, for you, want you give up the things you have collected over the years, to allow me to be glorified?
Yes Lord, you gave us all that we have and yes Lord, I will sell all that I have and follow you.  I trust you when you say that your plans for me are of peace, not evil to give me a future and a hope.  Take anything that is a weight around my neck.

And so as I am writing this my husband is emptying the storage shed and we will be selling everything in two weeks in a garage sell.  

I give all that I have to God.  I am also starting a 21 Day Daniel Fast, tomorrow.  For me it is not so much about the eating, for I eat most of the things on the fast anyway, but I am also fasting from anything that takes my focus off of God and his purpose for me.  

So I will spend more time with God, my blog, my website, being with friends, working my business and will give up TV, Internet unless used to further God's purpose for my life.  I will listen only to Music or podcasts that will lift me up and grow me.  I want God to change my life from the inside out, and use me in any way He sees fit.  

Stick around, the next 21 days shall be exciting.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What did I do today?

Transformation is a day by day event.  It is not about looking to the future, and saying I will do it tomorrow.  For the Bible tells us that tomorrow is not promised.  It is about today, this moment and how you will spend this moment.  
If you think about moments, as if they were money, and at the beginning of your life, we are each given so many moments.  Some are given lots of moments, and some not so many, but it is not about how many moments you are given, it is how wisely you spend what you are given.  And like money, when you spend the moments correctly there is great reward and lasting treasures.
So how will you spend now?  That is all you are guaranteed.  If you have a list like I do, great, if not make a list today of what you think at this point in your life you would like to do, accomplish before you spend all of your moments.
Don't worry about tomorrow, just focus on where you are right now and where you would like to be.  A list like this should be fluid, for tomorrow, next month, next year, in ten years the list can change.  Keep the list in plain view every day.  If you need to change or tweak your list go ahead.  This is your list, not someone else.  It is not about what others tell you, you should do or not do, it is not about what you wanted to be when you grow up, unless of course deep down inside you still want that and only took it off the table because someone told you that it was silly, not practical or something, this is about you and right now in your life.
I would love the chance to encourage you, pray for you, help you, if you would like to share your dreams below or email me at
Then use the 7 steps below to go for your dreams and goals.    
Step 1
– Take affirmative action towards living your dream life. Don’t just talk it, do it. Without some positive mind tinkering and action, passion is void. Step 2 – Pledge to yourself and your loved ones that you will accomplish your goals with passion. You will be amazed at the transformation, once you commit to tackle each goal from your heart and soul, than from a place of fear.
Step 3 – Embrace everything you do, regardless of outcome. When we take action on difficult tasks, the outcome may not always be positive. Embrace it regardless, learn from the experience, and be proud that you took the action.
Step 4 – Approach life from a place of gratitude. When you are thankful for all the simple pleasures of life, you learn to live as if everything were a miracle. Repeatedly shift towards gratitude, and you will see your life go from deficiency to abundance.
Step 5 - Use a positive life transformation formula. Start using terms like “I can” and “I will”, instead of “Shoulda”, “Woulda”, and “Coulda”. The former is based on increased awareness and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack.
Step 6 - Laugh at yourself often. Humor heals the mind, body, and soul. So go ahead loosen up, and laugh at the silly things you do instead of indulging in self-pity. Laughter is very attractive and shows a passionate side you may have never knew existed.
Step 7 - Believe you can design your destiny. Only you can use enthusiasm to create a positive future for yourself. There is no limit to how much you can create in a lifetime. Once you believe you can do it, watch all the opportunities fall right into place.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Victories and Frustrations

I know, I know it's been a couple of days, actually it's been four days since I last wrote.  But never fear, I'm here.  Here's what I have been up to.  First, the frustrations, I was feeling very frustrated last week because of the time change.  I'm an early riser, and I enjoy being an early riser, but with the time change I was finding it difficult to go to bed early and to wake up early.  And when I did manage to get to bed at my usual time which is 9:00pm, I couldn't stay asleep and found myself waking up around 11:00 wide awake.  This lead to not waking up until 6:00 or 7:00 every morning, which was frustrating me.  I like to wake up at 4:00 and I love my time in the morning.  But waking up later meant that my husband would be awake.  So now I didn't not have the time alone that I wanted and was angry with my husband for trying to talk to me when I wanted to read, pray and study.  So that is my frustration.  I also had a migraine yesterday and that frustrated me.
But I move on, not letting my frustration get the best of me. 
I am currently trying to make my own website.  I have never made a website, so it is in a rough draft right now.  But please visit my site.  I would love help on content, or if you can help me with putting together the site.  Please send me your suggestions.
Weigh in time:

I'm trying to find a way to link this blog with my website. 

Until tomorrow.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Getting Real

Why I am I doing this blog you may ask.  I wanted to spend a little time writing about why I am doing this blog and what I hope to accomplish through writing.  This is about to get really real, so here goes.
I believe that we were created by God for great things.  That before the foundations of the Earth were laid, God had a plan for us and for our lives.   I also believe that the enemy will and does do everything possible to keep us from accomplishing what we were created to do.
When we were little children, before the lies of the enemy started permeating our minds, we dream big dreams, we believe anything is possible and we trusted that things would work out.  But then the lies came, sometimes from parents, sometimes for society, sometimes from friends, siblings, spouses, etc. and then these lies became part of our language to ourselves.  In fact most of us don't someone else telling us to stop trying, to lower the bar of expectations, to settle, we get to the point where we tell ourselves these things.  And why not, people that were supposed to love us, told us these things, people that were supposed to know more told us these things, people that had lived longer, had more life experiences, they all told us these things.
So this journey for me is first and foremost to reprogram the voices in my own head, and yes we can reprogram our minds.  Next, it's to quiet the ones who thought they knew better and were just being truthful.  And finally, if I can do this, then you can do this.  
But in order to stop the voices you have to admit where you are.  Once you admit where you are, then it can't be used against you.  I worked in law for several years, and we always told our clients to be completely truthful with us.  If we knew everything, then we could plan for anything, it was when the clients were less then truthful, for whatever reason, maybe they thought it would matter, maybe they thought we would think less of them, but whatever the reason, when we didn't know, was when the damage was done.
So if I am truthful about where I am now, then not only do I have something to work with and can measure where I am going, but I know longer have to fear the truth.  I know longer have to think, if they know this, they will think less of me. 
So in order to beat the enemy at his own game, I am out here telling everything. 

I am being honest about where I am, and honest about where I want to be.  Then I am able to make a plan to move toward, where I want to be.

When I looked at my list, a lot of the things that I wanted were financial, so time to be honest about my finances.  Currently I have $199.76 in my checking account, and I am expect a check of $31.80.  Not completely broke but not rich.  So my first goal is to start earning more money.  Now I know that Network Marketing is the best and fastest way to earn money, if you work at it.  So my commitment to myself, my family and to you, is do spend at least five hours every day working my business.  I know what it takes, because I have others that have done it and the formula is there, I just need to commit to doing what I need to do.
I also need to change my mind set.  The mind is a powerful computer and can do remarkable things, but it is only as good as what you put into it.  So if I tell myself, that I am broke, I don't have enough money, it's too expensive, then that is what my mind believes and that is what I achieve.  So I decided this morning, that instead of saying those things, I will begin imputing new information, and say, that is something that I chose not to invest in right now.  I choose not to but that.  I choose not to go there.  Making it a matter of choice and not money, my mind does not keep thinking that we are broke.
I also went online today and got my credit score, not pretty but again a baseline of where I am starting.
 Today's weight

Baseline fitness test:
I found this test online

Currently I can:
Do a Plank for 60 seconds
It takes me 13.2 seconds to stand up and sit down in a chair without using my arms 10 times
It takes me 4.6 seconds to run up 13 stairs
I can do 5 push ups.
Looking forward to improving in these areas.

Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Goals from Yesterday

Last night I woke up with a sore throat.  So bad it hurt to swallow.  When I could not get back to sleep, my husband offered my some NyQuil.   Hurting I took it.  The problem is that I can not swallow pills on their own.  I have never been able to swallow pills, I envy those people like my mom who can throw a hand full in their mouths and swallow.  But that's not me.  I have to eat something, to swallow with and then it's one pill at a time.  If is doesn't go down right away I will give not and just not take it.  The reason I am telling you this, is that in order to swallow the two pills I had to eat something to swallow with.  So wanting something easy and fast, I ate a chocolate cookie.
Then as I am trying to fall asleep, I get on the internet and start researching detoxing and sore throats, and sure enough when you are detoxing you can experience sore throats, nasal congestion, and other cold like symptoms.  Best thing to do for a sore throat is to gargle with warm salt water.  So had I done the research first and not acted first I would have never taken the medicine.
But that is the way we are in this society, we reach for medicine first, instead of finding remedies, we reach for band-aides. 
So not real proud of the choice I made last night, but I know I can make better choices in the future.  That's what true transformation is, the ability to learn from you actions and make better choices in the future.
Today's Weigh In
Today's Weigh In

So now onto today and what to do with the list from yesterday.  It doesn't do any good to just write down what you want, if you don't make a plan oh how to get it.  So what I did was to categorize each of the things on my list, so that I can break them down and start to work on each one.

Here goes:

1. I want to run a marathon
8. I want to lose 50 pounds
24. I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror


18. I want a marriage that points others to Christ
19. I want to have weekly Bible Studies in my home
32. I want to have my life mean something
34. I want to know Christ more intimately
35. I want to spend more quality time in prayer
36. I want to believe God for more
37. I want to be used by God to bring others to salvation
38. I want to do the things that Jesus tells his disciples that we will be able to do
39. I want to  attend church more
46. I want to dream more and bigger dreams

2. I want to have a successful Arbonne Business
3. I want own my own home
4. I want to make enough money to be able to give away 90% of what I make
5. I want to open a home for unwed mothers
6. I want to start a program for Junior Highers that will teach them how to think, how to help others and how to take personal responsibility for their lives.
9. I want to take my grandson to Disneyland, and on vacations around the world.
10.  I want to buy property large enough for my family to live close by.
16. I want to be able to move my mom into my home, and be able to afford to give around the clock care.
20. I want to be able to be a secret Santa to those in need
21. I want to give back to everyone who has ever helped my over the years in ten fold
22. I want to travel to Isreal
23. I want to take an RV trip around the US visiting every state.
26. I want to feel free to invite people over to my house on a whim, no planning
27. I want an extra room that is always available to anyone in need.
33. I want to be able to say yes more and not have to worry about what it will cost
31. I want to shop more
32. I want to be able to see a need and meet it
33. I want to be prepared when I see someone struggling to lend a hand

41. I never want to feel ashamed because I do not have the money to join in
42. I never want to have to come up with excuses of why I can not do something, when I know that it is money that is holding me back
43. I want to have a swimming pool
44. I want to attend more sporting events
47. I want to decorate my home, how I want
48. I want to buy a fixer upper and redo it and sell it or give it away
50. I want to write a book
51. I want to have a blog that I can make money with


12. I want to be able to open my house to those in need

13. I want to have weekly family dinners
14. I want to help others achieve their dreams
15. I want to help my sons achieve their dreams
17. I want to have a big extended family Christmas
18. I want a marriage that points others to Christ
28. I want have girls night in
29. I want to do more with my step-daughters
30. I want to spend more time with all my grandsons and get to know them better.
45. I want to help my husband be whatever it is he wants to be
49. I want to be able to visit my kids more
54. I want to do a play with my sons again 


7. I want to dance on Broadway

11. I want to attend a black tie affair
24. I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror
25. I want to laugh more
31. I want to love more
32. I want to have my life mean something
40. I want to be true to my word
46. I want to dream more and bigger dreams

52. I want to write a play
53. I want to choreograph more

Ok, here is the blueprint of my dreams.  Tomorrow I will start with one section at a time and break it down according to priorities.  Then will come action steps and implementation.

God Bless Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

An Exercise in Writing

On my journey to transform my life, I have been reading about others that have transformed their lives and things that helped them to get out of their rut and to make real changes.  Yesterday I came across the writing exercise below and thought I would try it.  I am including the article, in case you decide you would like to give this a chance, instead of paper and pen I will be using my keyboard, but whatever follows, you can be assured that it is what comes off the top of head.  I have not thought about it, in fact I did not even read the assignment through all the way until right now, because I did not want to think about what I was going to write beforehand.

So let me set my timer.  Ok, here goes:

1. I want to run a marathon
2. I want to have a successful Arbonne Business
3. I want own my own home
4. I want to make enough money to be able to give away 90% of what I make
5. I want to open a home for unwed mothers
6. I want to start a program for Junior Highers that will teach them how to think, how to help others and how to take personal responsibility for their lives.
7. I want to dance on Broadway
8. I want to lose 50 pounds
9. I want to take my grandson to Disneyland, and on vacations around the world.
10.  I want to buy property large enough for my family to live close by.
11.  I want to attend a black tie affair
12. I want to be able to open my home to those in need
13. I want to have weekly family dinners
14. I want to help others achieve their dreams
15. I want to help my sons achieve their dreams
16. I want to be able to move my mom into my home, and be able to afford to give around the clock care.
17. I want to have a big extended family Christmas
18. I want a marriage that points others to Christ
19. I want to have weekly Bible Studies in my home
20. I want to be able to be a secret Santa to those in need
21. I want to give back to everyone who has ever helped my over the years in ten fold
22. I want to travel to Isreal
23. I want to take an RV trip around the US visiting every state.
24. I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror
25. I want to laugh more
26. I want to feel free to invite people over to my house on a whim, no planning
27. I want an extra room that is always available to anyone in need.
28. I want have girls night in
29. I want to do more with my step-daughters
30. I want to spend more time with all my grandsons and get to know them better.
31. I want to love more
32. I want to have my life mean something
33. I want to be able to say yes more and not have to worry about what it will cost
31. I want to shop more
32. I want to be able to see a need and meet it
33. I want to be prepared when I see someone struggling to lend a hand
34. I want to know Christ more intimately
35. I want to spend more quality time in prayer
36. I want to believe God for more
37. I want to be used by God to bring others to salvation
38. I want to do the things that Jesus tells his disciples that we will be able to do
39. I want to  attend church more
40. I want to be true to my word
41. I never want to feel ashamed because I do not have the money to join in
42. I never want to have to come up with excuses of why I can not do something, when I know that it is money that is holding me back
43. I want to have a swimming pool
44. I want to attend more sporting events
45. I want to help my husband be whatever it is he wants to be
46. I want to dream more and bigger dreams
47. I want to decorate my home, how I want
48. I want to buy a fixer upper and redo it and sell it or give it away
49. I want to be able to visit my kids more
50. I want to write a book
51. I want to have a blog that I can make money with
52. I want to write a play
53. I want to choreograph more
54. I want to do a play with my sons again
55. I want to
Ok, well I did not get through 100, but that was 20 minuets.  Some of what I wrote may sound trivial, but it was honest as it came to my mind.  I did not censor anything, or second guess myself.
Now, over the next 87 days, let's see how many of the above I can start working on.  Should be interesting.  
You've got 20 minutes to change your life in 100 ways. Go.
This is the premise of an exercise I tried once, when I was feeling stuck in life. I wasn't sure what was amiss, but the routine I had fallen into was not satisfying the inner voice in me that insisted there was something else out there for me. (See also: Change Your Life With Storytelling)
After trying (forcefully) to understand what was going on, reading self-help books, filling out aptitude tests, and working with business and life coaches, I was given a suggestion that became a catalyst for some pretty big personal changes.
Here is how you can change your life in 20 minutes, step by step:
  1. Clear all distractions. Turn off the phone, the TV, the computer. Lock your door, and go to a quiet place.
  2. Sit down comfortably at a desk or table, with a blank piece of paper and a pen in front of you.
  3. Set a timer for 20 minutes.
  4. Go. Write down 100 things you want to do. Or careers you want to have. Or people you would like to meet. The sky is the limit.
  5. Don't be realistic. Dream big. Write down the craziest things you can think of, as well as the things that you don't even think bear mentioning because they are so simple. Write it all down.
  6. Work quickly. 20 minutes isn't very long, and you have 100 items to get through, if you can. Don't think about whether or not to write down an idea — just write. Write everything that comes to mind, even if it doesn't make sense. Just keep on writing, and don't stop until that timer goes off.
Something happens after about 10 or 15 minutes if you employ the exercise to its full potential. You stop caring about what specifically the ideas are, and you start to release an inner creativity that may have been locked away for a while. In an effort to get through 100 things in 20 minutes, you start to write outlandish things down that you aren't even really sure you want, but that are ideas that came to you nonetheless.

Today's weigh in:
I know there are some that say that I shouldn't weigh myself every day, I do this to keep accountable and to keep me consistent.

Until tomorrow.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Day Two Renewing my mind

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The Bible tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  There are many ways that we can renew our minds. Philippians reminds us about what kinds of things we should allow into our minds.
Philippians 4:8
[ Meditate on These Things ] Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
One way to transform your mind, is to read.  I love to read and usually have more than one book going at any given time.  
During my 90 day transformation I am committed to reading 20 books.  Below are some of the books that I am currently reading.


First and foremost there is the Bible, I like to start each morning out be reading a portion of the Bible, I also like to have a devotional going at the same time.  The devotional that I will be reading during this transformation is Transformed by Rick Warren.  I will share what I learn as I go along.

I also like to have a personal development book, a leadership book and a biography book.  My first personal development book is The Gift by Shad Helmstetter, my leadership book is Whitewashing the Fence by Keith Potter and my Biography is Funny Side Up about Rita Davenport.  
I looking forward not only to what these books with teach me, but my growth as I read these and many other books during this 90 day period.

I will post my weight every day, today its 185.2

Here I am yesterday shopping at one of my favorite stores, Barons.  Notice how far I am parked away from the store?

My transformation will come as I allow God's Spirit to move inside me to guide me and teach me.  I am learning to listen, which is not always easy. 

I said I would be completely honest with this blog. 

Small victory:  Even though my husband and I have very different opinions regarding spiritual matters and I don't like to discuss matters with him, as I was writing today's blog and he came in and started reading over my shoulder.  Immediately he had an opinion, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, I was able to allow him to speak (held my tongue) and then just said that although I appreciate his opinion, this is suppose to be a blog from my point of view.

If you knew my husband, you would know what a victory that was. 

Talk to you more tomorrow.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

90 Day Transformation

Today I am beginning a 90 day transformation, which I will share with you.  I was going to do 30 days, but then how transformed are you really in 30 days.  In 30 days you are just getting started, getting into a routine, working through things, so that did not seem long enough.  So I thought 60 days, but in 60 days you start to waiver, run into obstacles, that is the time to stay committed.  So I settled on 90 days, because by then I should be in the swing of things.  I would have conquered some challenges and hopefully come out on top.  
So I am here to share this 90 adventure with you.  The good, the bad and the ugly, in word and pictures.  No holding back, you will share my triumphs and my defeats.  I promise to tell it exactly like it is.  What I am learning, what I am struggling with, where God is taking me.  
My goal is to transform mind, body and soul.  
Starting point: 
In order to see how far you have come, you have to know where you are starting.  So here I am in pictures day 1.  
Weight 186.2
Skin: dark spots, lines, bags under eyes, not a pretty picture.  Hard to post.  

Teeth a little yellow.  

Products I'm Using:
Oil pulling to detoxify and whiten teeth.  

Arbonne Genius plus Arbonne RE9 Advance for Face 

7 Day Detox to help jump start health and weight loss. 

My breakfast of choice, Arbonne Shake and Fiber Booster. 

Supplements: Joint Support, Omega 3 and Metabolism Boost.  

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Your comments of support greatly appreciated.