Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Victories and Frustrations

I know, I know it's been a couple of days, actually it's been four days since I last wrote.  But never fear, I'm here.  Here's what I have been up to.  First, the frustrations, I was feeling very frustrated last week because of the time change.  I'm an early riser, and I enjoy being an early riser, but with the time change I was finding it difficult to go to bed early and to wake up early.  And when I did manage to get to bed at my usual time which is 9:00pm, I couldn't stay asleep and found myself waking up around 11:00 wide awake.  This lead to not waking up until 6:00 or 7:00 every morning, which was frustrating me.  I like to wake up at 4:00 and I love my time in the morning.  But waking up later meant that my husband would be awake.  So now I didn't not have the time alone that I wanted and was angry with my husband for trying to talk to me when I wanted to read, pray and study.  So that is my frustration.  I also had a migraine yesterday and that frustrated me.
But I move on, not letting my frustration get the best of me. 
I am currently trying to make my own website.  www.Tshelp4life.com  I have never made a website, so it is in a rough draft right now.  But please visit my site.  I would love help on content, or if you can help me with putting together the site.  Please send me your suggestions.
Weigh in time:

I'm trying to find a way to link this blog with my website. 

Until tomorrow.

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