Then as I am trying to fall asleep, I get on the internet and start researching detoxing and sore throats, and sure enough when you are detoxing you can experience sore throats, nasal congestion, and other cold like symptoms. Best thing to do for a sore throat is to gargle with warm salt water. So had I done the research first and not acted first I would have never taken the medicine.
But that is the way we are in this society, we reach for medicine first, instead of finding remedies, we reach for band-aides.
So not real proud of the choice I made last night, but I know I can make better choices in the future. That's what true transformation is, the ability to learn from you actions and make better choices in the future.
Today's Weigh In
Today's Weigh In |
So now onto today and what to do with the list from yesterday. It doesn't do any good to just write down what you want, if you don't make a plan oh how to get it. So what I did was to categorize each of the things on my list, so that I can break them down and start to work on each one.
Here goes:
1. I want to run a marathon
8. I want to lose 50 pounds
24. I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror
18. I want a marriage that points others to Christ
19. I want to have weekly Bible Studies in my home
32. I want to have my life mean something
34. I want to know Christ more intimately
35. I want to spend more quality time in prayer
36. I want to believe God for more
37. I want to be used by God to bring others to salvation
38. I want to do the things that Jesus tells his disciples that we will be able to do
39. I want to attend church more
46. I want to dream more and bigger dreams
2. I want to have a successful Arbonne Business
3. I want own my own home
4. I want to make enough money to be able to give away 90% of what I make
5. I want to open a home for unwed mothers
6. I want to start a program for Junior Highers that will teach them how to think, how to help others and how to take personal responsibility for their lives.
9. I want to take my grandson to Disneyland, and on vacations around the world.
10. I want to buy property large enough for my family to live close by.
16. I want to be able to move my mom into my home, and be able to afford to give around the clock care.
20. I want to be able to be a secret Santa to those in need
21. I want to give back to everyone who has ever helped my over the years in ten fold
22. I want to travel to Isreal
23. I want to take an RV trip around the US visiting every state.
26. I want to feel free to invite people over to my house on a whim, no planning
27. I want an extra room that is always available to anyone in need.
33. I want to be able to say yes more and not have to worry about what it will cost
31. I want to shop more
32. I want to be able to see a need and meet it
33. I want to be prepared when I see someone struggling to lend a hand
41. I never want to feel ashamed because I do not have the money to join in
42. I never want to have to come up with excuses of why I can not do something, when I know that it is money that is holding me back
43. I want to have a swimming pool
44. I want to attend more sporting events
47. I want to decorate my home, how I want
48. I want to buy a fixer upper and redo it and sell it or give it away
50. I want to write a book
51. I want to have a blog that I can make money with
12. I want to be able to open my house to those in need
13. I want to have weekly family dinners
14. I want to help others achieve their dreams
15. I want to help my sons achieve their dreams
17. I want to have a big extended family Christmas
18. I want a marriage that points others to Christ
28. I want have girls night in
29. I want to do more with my step-daughters
30. I want to spend more time with all my grandsons and get to know them better.
45. I want to help my husband be whatever it is he wants to be
49. I want to be able to visit my kids more
54. I want to do a play with my sons again
7. I want to dance on Broadway
11. I want to attend a black tie affair
24. I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror
25. I want to laugh more
31. I want to love more
32. I want to have my life mean something
40. I want to be true to my word
46. I want to dream more and bigger dreams
52. I want to write a play
53. I want to choreograph more
Ok, here is the blueprint of my dreams. Tomorrow I will start with one section at a time and break it down according to priorities. Then will come action steps and implementation.
God Bless Until tomorrow.
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