Transformation is a day by day event. It is not about looking to the future, and saying I will do it tomorrow. For the Bible tells us that tomorrow is not promised. It is about today, this moment and how you will spend this moment.
If you think about moments, as if they were money, and at the beginning of your life, we are each given so many moments. Some are given lots of moments, and some not so many, but it is not about how many moments you are given, it is how wisely you spend what you are given. And like money, when you spend the moments correctly there is great reward and lasting treasures.
So how will you spend now? That is all you are guaranteed. If you have a list like I do, great, if not make a list today of what you think at this point in your life you would like to do, accomplish before you spend all of your moments.
Don't worry about tomorrow, just focus on where you are right now and where you would like to be. A list like this should be fluid, for tomorrow, next month, next year, in ten years the list can change. Keep the list in plain view every day. If you need to change or tweak your list go ahead. This is your list, not someone else. It is not about what others tell you, you should do or not do, it is not about what you wanted to be when you grow up, unless of course deep down inside you still want that and only took it off the table because someone told you that it was silly, not practical or something, this is about you and right now in your life.
I would love the chance to encourage you, pray for you, help you, if you would like to share your dreams below or email me at
Then use the 7 steps below to go for your dreams and goals.
Step 1
– Take affirmative action towards living your dream life. Don’t just
talk it, do it. Without some positive mind tinkering and action, passion
is void.
Step 2
– Pledge to yourself and your loved ones that you will accomplish your
goals with passion. You will be amazed at the transformation, once you
commit to tackle each goal from your heart and soul, than from a place
of fear.
Step 3
– Embrace everything you do, regardless of outcome. When we take action
on difficult tasks, the outcome may not always be positive. Embrace it
regardless, learn from the experience, and be proud that you took the
Step 4
– Approach life from a place of gratitude. When you are thankful for
all the simple pleasures of life, you learn to live as if everything
were a miracle. Repeatedly shift towards gratitude, and you will see
your life go from deficiency to abundance.
Step 5 -
Use a positive life transformation formula. Start using terms like “I
can” and “I will”, instead of “Shoulda”, “Woulda”, and “Coulda”. The
former is based on increased awareness and abundance while the latter
focuses on scarcity and lack.
Step 6 -
Laugh at yourself often. Humor heals the mind, body, and soul. So go
ahead loosen up, and laugh at the silly things you do instead of
indulging in self-pity. Laughter is very attractive and shows a
passionate side you may have never knew existed.
Step 7 -
Believe you can design your destiny. Only you can use enthusiasm to
create a positive future for yourself. There is no limit to how much you
can create in a lifetime. Once you believe you can do it, watch all the
opportunities fall right into place.
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